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Finding the best coffee solution for your aged care facility

Life's most important conversations happen over a cup of coffee. It might as well be a good one. With a range of aged care coffee solutions, Lavazza helps facilities across Australia expand the level of care they provide for residents and the aged care ecosystem. This passion for premium, good-quality coffee creates warm, welcoming environments that bring these communities together. 

Here are some of the key features you should consider when looking at a coffee solution for your aged care facility and why Lavazza is a natural choice.


1. Tailored to meet the needs of your facility

Before you start grinding coffee beans, take some time to consider what your facility needs. Every aged care facility is different. If yours is a small facility, you may only need a small coffee machine for staff to use in the break room. If yours is a larger site, you may be interested in a more comprehensive solution that can cater for residents and their families during busy visiting hours. 

There’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all with Lavazza. Thanks to an extensive machine portfolio, Lavazza often has a machine or complementary suite of machines to meet the needs of your facility. There’s also the benefit of 125 years of experience, craftsmanship and dedication to the best quality product.


2. Addresses sustainability concerns

Sustainability is an issue that’s becoming difficult to ignore in aged care and one that is increasingly important to residents and their families. While many providers are already moving to address these concerns, this renewed focus on sustainability is something to be mindful of whenever you acquire new equipment, like a coffee machine. 

Lavazza’s work through the Lavazza Foundation is aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and has been globally recognised for its commitment to sustainability. A great example is the La Reserva de ¡Tierra! range, locally roasted coffee which supports sustainable coffee projects.


3. Easy to maintain

Coffee machines require regular cleaning and maintenance to ensure they’re operating at full steam. It’s an extra task for staff members that are already busy so it’s important cleaning is made as quick and simple as possible.

With Lavazza, you don’t need a degree in engineering to keep the system humming. Lavazza aged care coffee solutions are reliable and easy to maintain. And if anything does go wrong, you need help with installation or would even just like to learn about the difference between a flat white and a latte, their technical support and service team is always on hand.


4. Can be used by anyone

There’s no sense in having a fancy new coffee machine if no one in the facility knows how to use it. But does that mean you need to find space in your budget for a qualified barista?

Not necessarily. Lavazza can provide coffee solutions that are intuitive and easy to use. What’s more, when you choose Lavazza you are tapping into the largest coffee training network in the world. With over 40 years of experience, we offer a three-tiered training solution from basics like espresso preparation to advanced cupping techniques for those occasions where a barista is needed. 

It’s about sharing our love and knowledge of coffee so you can provide a better cup.


5. It’s a well-loved and premium brand

The love of coffee is strong in Australia. In fact, one in four Aussies considers coffee crucial to their survival. People will travel far and wide for a good cup. So, when finding a coffee solution for your aged care facility, you need to keep this passion in mind. 

Lavazza is a well-recognised consumer brand. For four generations, the group has delivered the finest coffee in various settings with a range that covers all flavours and roasting profiles. 

Three in four Australians enjoy at least one cup of coffee a day – it’s a way of life. Lavazza offers exceptional coffee solutions for aged care settings, backed by 125 years of experience. 

For more information about Lavazza’s coffee solutions, click here.


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