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Why you need a coffee machine in your office

A good cup of coffee is one of the finer things in life, appreciated by the masses. You may be weighing up whether or not it’s worth investing in an office coffee machine for your office. But the perks of having one in-house are plenty and your team will love you for it. We’ve outlined below the main reasons why you should have premium coffee and a good-quality coffee machine in your office.

1. Improves productivity and boosts mood

Coffee has many beneficial properties that have been well documented (and experienced) that can help you fight the fatigue fuzzies at work. It could even be considered a power potion that keeps people going throughout the working day, meaning greater productivity levels and no need for power naps under your desk.  

Many studies have proven that coffee boosts your mood and when your staff are happy, energised and motivated, they’re likely to be more efficient.  What’s more, choosing a coffee solution from a provider that aligns with your company values and offers a range of top-notch coffee choices will keep employees not just satisfied, but excited to come into the office.

2. Impresses clients 

A great cup of coffee can have a lasting impression on clients and may go a long way in representing your impeccable taste and eye for good quality. You can win over your clients and business prospects with a quality coffee in hand that you don’t even need a barista to make. It’s a quick win that can be leveraged as a way to elevate a client’s perception of your company.

3. Attractive to prospective talent 

Coffee is one of the world’s most popular drinks and with good reason. From the vast and varying health benefits to its energy-boosting qualities, it’s loved by many and can help you not only attract but retain talent too. By investing in an office coffee machine, it shows that you value and appreciate your employees which can improve their output and the overall office environment which is also inviting for new employees. Plus, with more satisfied staff members, you’ll reduce your turnover rate, equating to time and money saved in the long run.

4. Promotes collaboration and socialisation 

Gathering over a mutual love for a delicious cup of coffee can aid socialisation and networking within the office. As employees are having a coffee break and engaging in conversations with colleagues, it’s a great way to get to know each other better and offers a bit of respite from the demands of the ‘grind’. This can help the workplace feel more integrated through creating better connections and more opportunities for collaboration.

Why you shouldn’t choose just any coffee machine or beans for your office

The impact of your investment will be as good as the product you choose and that’s why you should source a high-quality machine and coffee product. A great cup won’t come from cutting corners and opting for the cheapest machine on the market. Australians are renowned for their appreciation for good quality coffee so it’s important that you cater to this expansive coffee connoisseur demographic. Having a high calibre coffee machine that makes a great cup will be sure to put everyone in good spirits and show that the investment is working hard and is worth its purchase value. 

With consistently delicious, great-quality coffee at your office goers' every whim, you’ll be sure to delight your team as well as impress your prospective clients, attract talent and provide people with their daily motivating and mood-boosting caffeine hit. 

The proof is there - a top coffee machine will satisfy all the coffee lovers at your workplace. Want to dive deeper into creating an amazing office environment? Download Lavazza’s e-book for office managers for advice on delivering great coffee and more to your office.  

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